Computer Data Entry Operator


1 Up Computer Institute
सुल्तानपुर, उत्तर प्रदे

एक महीने पहले₹10 हज़ार–₹20 हज़ार प्रति माहपार्ट-टाइम
1 Up Computer Institute is hiring candidates for Computer Data Entry Operator job in Sultanpur with an experience of 0 year(s). Candidate would be responsible to ensure accurate and up-to-date entry and maintainence of different type of data. Candidates lookiing for Data Entry jobs near by can apply directly. To apply for Part Time job vacancy candidate must be skilled at Field Data Collection Executive, Focus & Hard Work, Microsoft Office Access, Attendance Record Maintenance, Computer Data Entry Operator.- Proven experience as data entry clerk. - Fast typing skills. - Excellent knowledge of word processing tools. - 1_3 years of experience with spreadsheets (MS Office Word, Excel etc.) - Basic understanding of databases


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